Facebook for Churches
Amidst the pictures of funny animals and ridiculous videos that fill our Facebook walls, wouldn’t it be great to share something meaningful to cut through the noise? In this article, we will explore what Facebook can be used for and how to use it effectively for your church. Should my church use a Facebook page or a group?There is sometimes a little bit of confusion over which option is best for your church, but ultimately it depends on what functionality you want your page to have and how public you want it to be. To try and clarify, we will explain the difference between pages and groups and explain the various features. What is a Facebook Page?A Facebook page is very similar to a personal profile page, but naturally is designed for an organisation or business. It is designed to be a broadcasting platform and is great for sharing what is going on, advertising and raising awareness. Your facebook page is also a great opportunity to promote your Church Website. Adding links to the Church Website from your Facebook page will help increase traffic and give people access to the more detailed Church Information found on your website. Facebook pages are public, can be found through searches and can be joined by anyone by simply ‘liking’ the page. Facebook also allows you to monitor a wealth of statistics with Facebook pages, from the number of new likes each week to the total number of people you’ve reached and much more. This is a great way to check how effective your Facebook usage is and make changes if necessary. This functionality isn’t available within Facebook Groups. Furthermore, with a facebook page, anyone who has liked the page is able to invite others to like it. This is a great way of encouraging your church to reach out to as many people as possible and raise awareness of the church. What is a Facebook Group?Facebook groups are designed to facilitate discussion amongst a group of people and allows you to keep closer control over the people who can view information. Facebook groups can still be public, but are more commonly used as closed or secret groups that require the person to apply or be invited into the group. Facebook Groups are great for small groups or teams in the church that provide a platform for people to discuss matters, share ideas and encourage one another in a secure place. Which option should my church use?Ultimately, we think that your church should make use of both pages and groups, using each for different purposes. Having a main Facebook page gives your church a face, and allows anyone to search for your page, like it and then instantly be plugged into the life of the church. Furthermore, this page can be used to advertise events, share images/videos and include any thoughts and quotes. Alongside this, you may wish to set up closed groups for the various life groups and service teams in the church. These groups are a great platform on which to communicate and share ideas as well as manage group members whilst maintaining a good level of control. Facebook groups are also great for prayer groups. This use would enable anyone to post requests and facilitate instant response and interaction. How to use Facebook effectivelyHere are a few thoughts on how you can use Facebook effectively to reach out.
ResourcesHow to create a Facebook Page: How to create a Facebook Group: Example pages for some inspiration: If you have any Facebook specific questions, don't forget about the Facebook Help Centre: If you have any specific questions on how to integrate Facebook with your Church Edit website, don't hesitate to get in touch. Don't forget to like the Church Edit Facebook page for regular tips on using technology for churches. |